
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Needing Inspiration

Sometimes in our lives we hit t wall...
In our jobs
In our families
In our writing
In our lives...............

That's where I am.......floating in the middle of a stormy lake in the proverbial boat with too many oars.....but I'm working on removing those oars, one after another and getting back to the shore............

Now if you understand what I just said woohoo, if not I'll break it down.....I have taken on more than I can handle and I must prioritize and that's exactly what I'm doing....please don't lose faith, it shall all be worth it......



and for a little listening pleasure one of my fave songs


  1. Love that song. :) Do what you have to do honey. You'll get there!

  2. That song is different but kinda fits what you are saying.

  3. thanks guys or should I say CarrieAnne not sure what you're saying NJ but then again I rarely am........hahaha
